The Republic of Benin is a country that attracts with its mystery, extraordinary traditions, unique flora and fauna. Benin attracts with its unusual historical monuments associated with the difficult history of this country. Here are the unique Palace complex of the city of Abomey, «African Venice» – the small village of Ganvie, which stands in the middle of the lake and the Pendjari National Park, which has preserved to this day untouched African nature. Its capital Porto Novo is a «City with three names». And in the local culture and everyday life of the Beninеse citizens Christianity and paganism, ancient beliefs and modern lifestyle are closely intertwined.
The centuries-old traditions and culture of Benin at the VI World Folkloriada CIOFF ® will be presented by the “Les Supers Anges du Benin” Dance Group. Its team consists of professional artists from the best dance and ballet groups in Benin. Their work is aimed at preserving the intangible cultural heritage of the country: songs, dances, music, proverbs, traditional games, etc.
VI World Folkloriada CIOFF® in Dyurtyuly will take place on July 5, 2021
ПодробнееDyurtyuly, The main square at the Culture and Leisure Center, 7, Lenina st.
05.07.2021 15:00
VI World Folkloriada CIOFF® in Yanaul will take place on July 6, 2021
ПодробнееYanaul, The main square at the Culture and Leisure Center, 32, Azina st.
06.07.2021 15:00
VI World Folkloriada CIOFF® in Tatyshlinsky district will take place on July 7, 2021.
ПодробнееVerkhnie Tatyshly, The main square at the Culture and Leisure Center, 67, Lenina st.
07.07.2021 15:00
VI World Folkloriada CIOFF® in Neftekamsk will take place on July 8, 2021.
ПодробнееNeftekamsk, Main Leisure Park stage, 19, Lenina st.
08.07.2021 15:00
VI World Folkloriada CIOFF® in Ilishevsky district will take place on July 9, 2021.
ПодробнееVerkhneyarkeevo, Square in front of the RDK, Kommunisticheskaya st., 12
09.07.2021 15:00