The Republic of Chile is a country of mysterious statues, dead volcanoes, crystal lakes, snow-white beaches, snowy mountains and unique deserts. This is the longest in the territory and the most southern state on the globe. Chile is surrounded by the mighty Andes and Cordillera. Here is one of the world's highest volcanoes, Ojos del Salado, and the driest desert in the world, the Atacama Desert. A significant part of the territory of Chile is occupied by national parks and reserves. The country is also famous for its man-made monuments. On the territory of the country there are many historical sights, echoes of ancient cultures and civilizations, such as the monumental statues of Easter Island.
Chile is famous for its rich history and unique culture. There was a mixture of Spanish culture with the customs and traditions of the indigenous population. At the VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada this amazing country will be presented by the Delegacion Nacional CIOFF Chile of the University of Chile.
It was founded in 1971. With its creativity, bright lively authentic performances, the team strives to develop the folklore traditions of the inhabitants of Chile, to preserve the cultural and natural heritage of the country.
VI World Folkloriada CIOFF® in Dyurtyuly will take place on July 5, 2021
ПодробнееDyurtyuly, The main square at the Culture and Leisure Center, 7, Lenina st.
05.07.2021 15:00
VI World Folkloriada CIOFF® in Yanaul will take place on July 6, 2021
ПодробнееYanaul, The main square at the Culture and Leisure Center, 32, Azina st.
06.07.2021 15:00
VI World Folkloriada CIOFF® in Tatyshlinsky district will take place on July 7, 2021.
ПодробнееVerkhnie Tatyshly, The main square at the Culture and Leisure Center, 67, Lenina st.
07.07.2021 15:00
VI World Folkloriada CIOFF® in Neftekamsk will take place on July 8, 2021.
ПодробнееNeftekamsk, Main Leisure Park stage, 19, Lenina st.
08.07.2021 15:00
VI World Folkloriada CIOFF® in Ilishevsky district will take place on July 9, 2021.
ПодробнееVerkhneyarkeevo, Square in front of the RDK, Kommunisticheskaya st., 12
09.07.2021 15:00