Within the framework of the VI World Folkloriada, two exhibitions were opened at once at the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Within the framework of the VI World Folkloriada, two exhibitions were opened at once at the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Today, on July 4, the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan opened the International exhibition "Masks of the peoples of the world".
At the opening ceremony, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Bashkortostan Amina Shafikova noted “The VI World Folkloriada is a symbol of friendship between peoples, the preservation of our traditions and roots. Today we are getting acquainted with the culture of many nations. In the presented exposition there are masks that personify a particular rite or culture. Also, people of different nations express their feelings with a musical instrument. The soul of the people also resounds in the sound of the instrument ”
The opening ceremony was attended by the President of the International Council for the Organization of Folklore Festivals and Traditional Arts (CIOFF) Philippe Beaussant, Director of the State Russian House of Folk Art named after V.D. Polenova Tamara Purtova, Deputy Director of the S. V.D. Polenova, Executive Secretary of the Russian National Section of CIOFF®️, member of the CIOFF® Committee on the preparation and holding of the World Folkloriada Andrei Belyaev, Chairman of the CIOFF Commission on Culture Monica Thomingas.
The exhibition of masks presents 24 unique items, which were brought by the participants of the VI World Folkloriada.
Among them, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, Estonia, Dominican Republic, etc.
Visitors can see not only masks but also get acquainted with the history of their origin and photographic materials. A description of the object is offered for each exhibit. For example, the Chilean Colon mask is carved from a single piece of wood and adorned with earth, stones, human hair, and sometimes silver accessories. The teleсo mask is made from milkwood and is used for a religious dance that protects against danger and disease.
On an opening day, the museum will host a master class from artisans from Estonia and Greece.
In the International Photo Exhibition "Musical Instruments of the Nations of the World", created by organizations of the Youth Coordination Committee CIOFF®️ around the world, images of 34 instruments are presented: gadulka, charango, sasandu, komuz, tambores de bomba, alphori, balaika, kurai, etc. Among them are countries like Puerto Rica, Indonesia, Germany, Bolivia, Kyrgyzstan, Bulgaria, etc. Visitors can get acquainted with the photo exhibition in 4 languages: Russian, English, Spanish, and French. In addition to the image of musical instruments, visitors are offered a description, a story about their origin.
It will be possible to visit the exhibition from 5 to 9 July at the address: Ufa, Sovetskaya st., 14. Admission is free, face masks are mandatory.